Turn key projects

Both the realization and the restructuring of a livestock facility reveal various problems that must be analyzed individually in order to meed every company’s needs.

To do so, in order to choose the most suitable solution to the business reality, Gong srl involves all company’s synergies: from engineering technique, to livestock production, health and hygiene, animal welfare and environmental protection. Gong srl is a serious and reliable partner, able to realize “turn key” projects for all livestock sectors.

Pig barn design, cattle and pigs systems, dairy cows, farm animals such as laying hens, broilers, sheeps and goats. Thanks to the long-time experience, as well as its satellites companies and the depth expertise of its techniciana, Gong srl is able to develope every customer’s request, from the technical-engineering design, to the full realization of the farm, always focusing on the animal welfare and the environment.

Gong srl realizes your turnkey projects, starting from feasibility studies, technical analysis, engineering-livestock project draft, study and development of paperwork, electric-hydraulic design, according to the animal welfare legislation and the environmental protection standards.